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The Big Let GO

Letting Go of Control is Taking control



Darcy Patrick is the author of “Why I Run” My story of how I won my life back from the darkness of depression, “Creative Writing for the Mind, Body & Soul”, “ My Guided Meditation” Using Meditation as a Therapeutic Tool to Focus Your Overactive Mind, “The Big Let Go” Letting Go of Control is Taking Control, an "Managing Wellness" Creating and Maintaining a Mind, Body & Soul Connection.


In this course Darcy brings "The Big Let go” to life!  You will learn to use the same tools he wrote about in his book. Darcy will walk you through each section and you will learn that Letting go of control is taking control.


When something difficult happens in your life, people will often tell you to “just let go and move on”. Is it really that simple? And HOW do I learn to let go? If you’ve ever had these thoughts or wished you could move past difficulties in your life, then this course is for you.


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In “The Big Let Go" Letting go of control is taking control. Darcy shares his tools, his struggles and his lived experience with the goal of helping you learn to move past traumas, relinquish control and take charge of your own life. The Big Let Go will teach you through various tools that letting go is possible, and living a full and happy life is truly in your hands.


In The Big Let Go you will learn the power of:

Radical acceptance

Changing your perspective


Setting boundaries

Building faith in yourself

Stopping Judgment

Feeling Pride


Being you and only you

And so much more!



You will learn to apply all of Darcy’s tools in your everyday life, turning your growth into a truly personal journey. Darcy will show you that the only way you can move forward and heal is to truly learn to let go of control!  You will see results, learn to live in the moment, and learn that letting go is an act of love you must show yourself.


“The big Let Go" course can be run in many different ways:

 6 week course 2 hours once a week

 4 or 2 week course 2 hours once a week

 Single work shops 2 hours or 3 hours

Darcy can cater this course to your needs and work out a Big Let Go that works for you!

Can be taught virtually or in person depending on your location.


Contact directly at or 289-241-0407


Darcy Patrick

Peer Support Worker St Joseph's Hamilton Healthcare /Author/Public Speaker/Mental Health Facilitator/ Instructor

“Only with open conversation can we break the stigma behind depression and mental health. Let’s start talking and do it together”                     



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