"One On One"
Peer Support

Peer support is one of the most important things in a person’s recovery, Why? Well I feel that anyone who is struggling needs all the support they can get when getting well. They may have a lot of fears, a lot of self-stigma and stigma to overcome. They will need a cheer leader, some to guide them along the way, to lift them up when they need help. Be a listening ear when that is what is needed, and so over looked.
They may also have a lot of new tools that they need help applying and understanding. That is where a peer supporter really comes in! To guided them and teach them and reinforce that they are doing great! Also give resources and in doing so letting them know you have their back. Help them navigate and understand because you have been through it. Build trust, be a safe place form them.
Sometimes people are just coming forward with their struggles and they also need to know that they have someone on their side in good and bad times! Learning they are not alone and what they are doing is the greatest thing they can do! You comfort them, point them in the right directions and listen. A peer supporter is always working towards a common goal, whether it is big or small it is all the same.
I feel peer support needs to be in every person’s life. We over look our own support systems at times, Family, friends ect. People who struggle do the same, or have to rebuild these relationships or don’t have them at all, that is where a peer supporter is really needed! Really peer support is needed in all our lives! Not just in mental health. A feel peer support is everything I listed and more depending on what is required!
I have worked hard over the last 7 years and I have enjoyed my time doing this work. This work is actually the furthest thing from work in my life, I feel that is why I am meant to do it! I am meant to support those in need. The moment I walked into my first session with my therapist , I made a choice to be honest, truthful and take my recovery seriously, from that moment I changed. I started to believe in myself and apply everything I was being taught in my own way. This has led me to where I am now and also inspired me to write 4 books, create 3 programs and help others. I learned that by helping others I was helping myself as well. This made me feel good and whole, I have a purpose where there was no purpose at all.
If we can help others because of what we have been through, support, inspire, cheer on, reinforce that no matter what is happening you will get through it, that is so important. This is what is needed in mental health, it is what is missing in everyone’s lives who struggle. A personal connection, having that connection, building a bound of trust is the greatest gift to someone who has made the decision to get well needs.
I feel I can give on so many different levels, because I have learned so much and have worked so hard not only on myself but with others, dedicating my time, volunteering my time, teaching, creating and talking and showing people they are not alone! That the way they feel is the same way we all feel at times, and it is okay to feel the way they feel.
7 years ago I stopped acting and started being myself, I realized everything I went through was leading me to this point, that the 38 years of never being myself, truly taught me to be myself. I can help others like I have helped myself. I hope that I can support you in your journey!
Feel free to contact me and learn more about how I can support you in your journey to wellness!
To learn more, sign up, or ask questions contact me directly click here
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Author/Public Speaker/Peer Support Worker

