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2 years of Why I Run

Two years have passed since the release of my first book “Why I Run” My story of how I won my life back from the darkness of depression. I have now been in therapy for depression for 5 years. Sometimes going for sessions once a month and other times once a week or once every 2 weeks.

The things I have learned about myself, the things I am capable of doing is mind blowing. I never dreamt 5 years ago I would have ever gone to anyone for help with my depression and anxiety. I had struggled for over 38 years of my life. But I did. I sat down and I talked for the first time about who I truly was, I excepted the help, I embraced the tools that were being given to me, I turned them into a new way of living, thinking and treating myself with love and kindness. It was no easy task and I still struggle because I human and that was one of the hardest things I had to learn. To be human.

At the end all my talks I like to do a little reflection on what has happened over the last 5 years since starting therapy and the release of “Why I Run”. If you have never been to one of my talks I am going to share it with you.

5 years ago if you would have come to me and told me I was going to be a public speaker talking openly I would have never believed you, standing up in front of people telling my story, talking about my struggles with depression, would have never entered my mind. But I am a public speaker, I do 2 or 3 talks a month. Any opportunity I have to tell my story and break the stigma behind depression I am there. Any chance I have to let people know there not alone, that the way they feel emotion is the way I feel emotion I am there, and anytime I can show people that if I can change so can they, I am there to speak. I do talks in board rooms, coffee shops, universities, colleges, back rooms of churches, black tie events, even for running rooms. Any were I can tell my story, make difference, help as many people as I can I am there…

5 years ago if you told me I was going to write a book a would have laughed.. I did laugh when my therapist told me I should write book, I said there is no way I could ever write book, I was not capable of doing such a thing. But I did… 😉 I wrote “Why I Run” for the soul purpose of helping as many people as I can. In one year I sold over 2000 copies, people started to come into my place of work to talk to me for the 1st time about there struggles. There ages range for teenagers, up to adults in there 70’s and 80’s. Because of meeting so many people, hearing there stories I wanted to help more and I wrote my 2nd book “Creative Writing For The Mind, Body & Soul “ with the goal of helping even more people and teaching the tools I have not only learned, but have embraced over the last 5 years and made them part of my life.

Why I Run started it all off. What a fun 2 years it has been. Doing talks, signings, TV, News paper and radio interviews. The people I have met and their stories have been incredible! From people reading my book in their bath tub, to heart harming emotion meetings at coffee shops. Making new friends who lives have changed because of “Why I Run”. Also meeting new colleagues who are helping me in my journey to help as many people as I can. Even interviewing for a Peer Support worker Job!! Just blows my mind. It is amazing how far I have come.

What has happened over the last 5 years of my life has been truly amazing and it all has happened because I put in the hard work that needs to put in, when you are trying to change your life. I am not nearly finished what I am trying to accomplish with my books and talks. I am only building my foundation so I can reach and help even more people.

There are 3 more books in the works and come September I will start teaching “ Creative Writing For The mind Body & Soul” for different community support net works here in the Niagara Region, and hopefully beyond. Stay tuned because there is going to be big things in the future! I am just getting started not even at the half way point.

“Only with open conversation can we break the stigma behind depression, Lets start talking and do it together”

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